Do you have a brother or sister with a developmental disability? Are you currently assisting them with day-to-day care or decisions? Is that something that might be in your future? Or will you be supporting another sibling that will be taking the caregiving lead?
If so, let’s join forces and create a forum in which we can exchange ideas, discuss pressing issues, answer questions, and create a cyber environment of support!

I have an amazing brother, Steve who has Down Syndrome. After our parents passed, Steve moved to Indy to be closer to family. His life has always been full — filled with friends and activities. And I am pleased that 17 years after moving to the Indy area to be closer to family, his life is still filled with these important elements. But it has taken time to sort through the resources and discover the programs and communities that best fit his needs – and our needs too!
We are hoping this blog can be a forum to exchange ideas and offer support. As we have learned over the past 17 years, it truly takes a village!
So let’s start the discussions.
- Are there things your parents can be doing now to make the transition easier for when they are no longer able to care for your sibling?
- What resources are available?
- Where does one find quality programs and supportive communities?
- What are the struggles, worries, and fears that keep you awake at night?
- What are some of the ‘life-giving’ moments you have experienced with your sibling?
If you can name it, then I was hoping we could discuss it. We won’t have all the answers, but I imagine, if we pool our knowledge, then we will be able to point folks in the right direction.
What do you think? Are you willing to start the conversation?